
SCPI Commands

class Ptarget[source]

Ptarget commands group definition. 2 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 2 group commands

# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGNaling<Instance>:CONNection:PAGing:PTARget:LESignaling
value: int = driver.configure.connection.paging.ptarget.get_le_signaling()

Selects the EUT for paging. The default device is 0. For the inquiry results, see method RsCmwBluetoothSig.Configure. Connection.Inquiry.Ptargets.Catalog.leSignaling.


target: numeric Sequence number of device listed in inquiry results.

# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGNaling<Instance>:CONNection:PAGing:PTARget
value: int = driver.configure.connection.paging.ptarget.get_value()

Selects the device to page from the paging target catalog (see method RsCmwBluetoothSig.Configure.Connection.Inquiry. Ptargets.Catalog.value) . After a reset, if no inquiry was made before or if no device was detected during the previous inquiry, only the default device (<Target>=0) can be selected. After a successful inquiry, the first discovered device (<Target>=1) is pre-selected.


target: numeric Index of the device in the paging target catalog, where 0 always corresponds to the default device. If an invalid index is selected, an error message is returned. Range: Integer = 0

set_le_signaling(target: int)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGNaling<Instance>:CONNection:PAGing:PTARget:LESignaling
driver.configure.connection.paging.ptarget.set_le_signaling(target = 1)

Selects the EUT for paging. The default device is 0. For the inquiry results, see method RsCmwBluetoothSig.Configure. Connection.Inquiry.Ptargets.Catalog.leSignaling.

param target

numeric Sequence number of device listed in inquiry results.

set_value(target: int)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:BLUetooth:SIGNaling<Instance>:CONNection:PAGing:PTARget
driver.configure.connection.paging.ptarget.set_value(target = 1)

Selects the device to page from the paging target catalog (see method RsCmwBluetoothSig.Configure.Connection.Inquiry. Ptargets.Catalog.value) . After a reset, if no inquiry was made before or if no device was detected during the previous inquiry, only the default device (<Target>=0) can be selected. After a successful inquiry, the first discovered device (<Target>=1) is pre-selected.

param target

numeric Index of the device in the paging target catalog, where 0 always corresponds to the default device. If an invalid index is selected, an error message is returned. Range: Integer = 0